TekAugur - Seen any robot birds?

Musings and observations. Philosophy, technology, children, hedonism. Maybe a little poetry someday. Let me know if you read it. Thanks

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

That's cool

I've enjoyed reading others' blogs, so I thought I'd do one myself.

I have lots of thoughts. Most of them are useless. Unfortunately.

One useful thought: Philip K. Dick is cool. I've enjoyed his work for years. I just picked up The Philip K. Dick Reader. I'll let you know how I like it.

I was blown away by The Minority Report, another collection of short stories. Oh, to be a blobel!

Also, I listened to Martian Time Slip on Audible.com. Currently, my review is the only one on the page.

I also listen to Harry Shearer's Le Show. And it's free! Wow. It's good, too. But it's free!

(If you sign up on Audible, tell 'em BaronAudible sent you, and they give me free stuff! That's cool.)

Nancy Kress is cool, too, though in a different way. I read Probability Space. Now I have to go back and read the prequels.

If you get a chance, sing along with John Coltraine. It can be a liberating experience. I did whilst on a long drive today. His phrasing is poetic. Stops and starts and little cascades, dances and trips, and closed eyes 'neath shades.



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